(from ABC NewsRadio's "Brekkie Crumbs" blog
It's not often you come across a person with a brand new liver.
To have two liver transplant recipients on the same radio show in the space of two hours is highly unusual, to say the least.
But that was exactly the scenario on NewsRadio Breakfast this morning.
First, the return to the public eye of Apple Founder Steve Jobs.....on stage in California to launch a new Ipod innovation.
He looked gaunt and spoke quietly -- obviously still recovering from his transplant earlier
this year -- but you could almost hear a collective sigh of relief from the tech-savvy community as the man that brought you the Mac, the IPod and the IPhone walked gingerly onto stage in his trademark jeans and black skivvy.
During Jobs' short presentation - during which he extolled the virtues of organ donations -
Apple's shares rallied on the New York Stock exchange.
The other recipient of a new liver on the show this morning was Paul Stewart.
The last time I saw Stewart in the flesh (about 25 years ago), the former hard-drinking, over-weight journo, was on-stage with the legendary Melbourne 80's band, Painters and Dockers.
On that occasion he'd obviously already had a skinful - his shirt was off, he was gyrating in a
really dodgy pair of tracky-daks which kept falling down and he was belting out a version of the P&D's surreal classic "The Boy Who Lost His Jocks On Flinders Street
This morning it was a svelte and sober -- but just as charismatic -- Paul Stewart who came into the Breakfast studio to talk to Glen about the Australian Federal Police's decision to start a war crimes investigation into the deaths of the Balibo 5.
You see, Stewart's elder brother, Tony, was one of the 5 Australian-based newsmen killed in Balibo in 1975.
Does he welcome an AFP probe into the deaths of his brother and his four colleagues (Greg Shackleton, Gary Cunningham, Malcolm Rennie and Brian Peters) and the subsequent execution of another Australian, Roger East?
Paul Stewart -- who now spends a lot of his time raising money for causes in East
Timor -- told Glen that he welcomes the probe but he also wants a wide-ranging inquiry into the huge numbers of East Timorese who died during Indonesia's occupation of the
former Portuguese colony.
"Six white guys.....but one-hundred-and-eighty-three thousand East Timorese died as
well" says Paul Stewart.
You can read and see more about Paul Stewart
and his bittersweet relationship with East Timor here: